Background information
The current Kilmore Central National School building was built in 1975, at one stage the parish of Kilmore had four primary schools – Clonegonnell, Crossdoney, Gartbrattan and Ballintemple. Kilmore Central National School was established after the amalgamation of these four smaller schools.
The school has grown over the years to become a three teacher school, the school had its first extension in 2013 – A special education classroom, staffroom and disabled toilets were built. The second extension in 2014 saw the addition of a general purpose hall and secretary’s office.
The school has continued to improve and develop its facilities with the development of the school’s parking facilities in the winter of 2018 and development of the school’s playground area in summer 2019.
The school has grown over the years to become a three teacher school, the school had its first extension in 2013 – A special education classroom, staffroom and disabled toilets were built. The second extension in 2014 saw the addition of a general purpose hall and secretary’s office.
The school has continued to improve and develop its facilities with the development of the school’s parking facilities in the winter of 2018 and development of the school’s playground area in summer 2019.
The School Day
School opens at 9:05a.m and closes at 2:55 p.m (infant day ends at 1:55 p.m) Teaching formally begins at 9:30 a.m. Between 9:05-9:30, children settle into classrooms and engage in activities at the discretion of the teacher. There is a short break at 11:10 and lunch time is from 12:30 p.m-1:00 p.m. Breaks have been staggered due to Covid-19.
School Enrolment.
If you wish to enrol your child in our school, please make contact with the school in order to receive an enrolment pack
School Curriculum
The school delivers the full Primary School Curriculum (1999) as required by the Department of Education and Skills( DES) and The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment ( NCCA). The subjects on the curriculum are: Irish, English, Mathematics, Social Environmental and Scientific Education ( History, Geography and Science), Arts ( Drama, Music and Visual Arts), Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Physical Education ( P.E)
School Choir
Each year the school choir performs at the Harvest and Carol service in Kilmore Cathedral, they also perform in Ballinagh Community Centre each December at the school’s annual nativity production. The choir also perform at the school’s end of year assembly.
The children are taught Physical Education every week by their class teachers. The school also enlists external coaches for termly sessions in rugby, tennis, athletics and GAA.
Swimming lessons
The children take part in a ten week block of swimming lessons in Cavan Leisure Complex.
School Excursions
All children enjoy two school trips during the school year. The first trip is to the pantomime in early December, the second trip is in June.